In the summer of 2020, I took a GIS course based in R. I wrote some code, and did some cool data science. Here is a collection of links!
In this assignment we built a static users site with Github pages
I learned how to apply knowledge from previous activities to create files within my project
Familiarized myself with functions in Rstudio
Learned how to insert a picture and icons on RMarkdown
In this lab we practiced data wrangling and visualization skills.
We used COVID-19 data from the New York Times, to determine the COVID conditions at a county level
We were introduced to new libraries such as readxl, to read in data, and zoo, to determine things like the rolling mean of any given data.
In this lab we were introduced to sf, sfc, and sfg features and objects.
I learned how to install github libraries that would allow us to read in US boundary data.
I learned how to further edit our gg plots to be more descriptive of the data we are representing.
I learned how to write functions to expedite tasks.
I learned how to tesselate surfaces for our county data.
This was one of the more challenging labs for me but helped me better understand the basis of functions.
I learned how to identify an AOI for out data.
We were introduced to the getlandsat package in R, to import satellite images into our code.
I learned how to use bands to find which combination best represents or AOI and data.
I learned how to extract data and create tif files.
I learned how to layer different types of data (raster/vector), to create descriptive maps showing live data.
I learned how to create a gif file.
I applied my knowledge from past labs to and effectively used them in lab 6 to create Flood Inundation Map